About this Podcast
Buen Hombre Podcast
Buen Hombre/Magnificent Mujer is a series of converstations between Enrique Morones of Gente Unida.net and courageous men & women about spirituality, creativity, service and activism.
Subscribe to our podcast on Spotify, AppleItunes, TuneIn or Stitcher. Join me as I talk to important influencers on issues that might not be appearing in the headlines and how we can all make this a better world. Hear their inspiring stories, Amor Si Se Puede! Love is an Action not just a word.
First there was the award winning radio show “Morones Por la Tarde” on 1040 am radio after Enrique’s six year career with the San Diego Padres. Then there was “On the Record” radio show on 1030am with Council Member Ralph Inzunza,, both radio shows owned by now Baja Governor Jaime Bonilla. During all those years he grew Border Angels an organization he founded in 1986. In 2018 he launched Bad Hombre (a weekly program) as part of the 8 programs he developed as founder and executive director for Border Angels. In April of 2019 Enrique announced he would be retiring from Border Angels, he retired, November 1, 2019 after 33 years and leaving the organization with more than a million dollars in the bank. In 2019, 5 of the 11 Border Angels board of directors, also stepped down,As for the 8 programs he devloped, most of the program directors quit last year.
On November 1, Gente Unida was relaunched and is now a 501c3. Enrique has since traveled to lecture on human rights in Berlin, Germany, Santa Barbara, California, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Guadalajara. Mexico, Monterey, California, as well as many local colleges and Universities including Mt Saint Mary’s Womans College, the University of San Diego and Southwestern College. Gente Unida continúes to lead caravans as they have since February of 2006, most recently taking 1000 toys to 1000 migrant children in San Quintin, Mexico. Now, Enrique is back on the airwaves with a new podcast “Buen Hombre / Magnificent Mujer” Launching this Monday while interviewing long time human rights activist and “Buen Hombre”, Hugo Castro, followed the the following Monday with playwright, Board of Director & “Magnificent Mujer” Josefina Lopez. Gente Unida continues to be very active with human rights, protecting migrant children, education and getting out the vote. May 1st Gente Unida will launch a virtual artivist fundraising weekend with authors, activists and artists including UN Photo journalist Tish Lampert, Master muralist Mario Torero, well know Attorney & Board of Director Nicole Ramos. For more information check our developing website genteunida.net, podcast info magnificentmujer.org and/or buenhombre.org and to shop or donate genteunida.shop.
Meet The Host/Team

Enrique Morones

Sarah Bella
Enrique Morones is a Human Rights activist born in San Diego to Mexican parents who instilled in him a deep love for Mexico, spiritual faith and social justice. He is driven by the passage “for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink.” Matthew 25:35
Enrique has a history of firsts—In 1998 he was the first person to be granted dual citizenship with Mexico, the first president of the San Diego County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Vice President in Major League Sports with the San Diego Padres bringing the first ever regular season games outside the US/Canada, the President and Founder of House of Mexico and President and Founder of Border Angels (saving migrant lives), an all volunteer group.
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Have a question about our podcast? Do you know someone who might be a “Buen Hombre” or “Magnificent Mujer”? Do you have an issue or topic we should investigate? Please get in touch, and we will get bact to you within 24 hours on week days and 48 hours on weekends.
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